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Easter Bread Sandwich



Easter Bread Sandwich

Easter bread surely some of you have already baked or at least seen, because in the days before Easter, the newsfeeds of all channels are overflowing with this yeast dough pastry. You know, the braided Loafs with Easter eggs baked in. But today is not quite about that, because as the name says, I created an Easter bread inspired sandwich for you. The basis for my sandwich is nevertheless based on classic Easter bread from a yeast dough loaf.

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Classic Easter bread

Originally, Easter bread belongs to the tradition of breaking the fast and is common in both savory but also in sweet form. Nevertheless, the sweet Easter bread is the more familiar variant, just like a fruit loaf. Easter bread is classically enjoyed at Easter for breakfast or tea, and nowadays is usually available well before the actual Easter holidays. A heavy yeast dough with almonds and dried fruit also make it just about predestined for this. Heavy yeast dough variants exist in several varieties, although here it is not the degree of difficulty that is described, but rather the composition of the yeast dough. A high butter and egg yolk content make the dough particularly juicy but also richer. Nevertheless, this is the least of my worries on holidays, because here it's all about enjoyment.

a loaf of brioche on a baking grid with green background
baby spinach leaves
three organic eggs with green background
dried apricots with green background

My Easter Bread Sandwich

Easter bread as such is certainly not to be despised and is also always eaten with pleasure, but I wanted to show you in form of a rich sandwich, what can also be done with Easter bread besides butter and jam on it. I chose a brioche recipe for my sandwich, because I wanted to bring together the ingredients of classic Easter bread in a slightly different way. So, the dried fruit come have been added in form of dried apricots and the almonds even as smoked almonds into sautéed spinach. To season the yet sweet underscored sandwich, I chose blue cheese to get more power to the bread here. To stay true to the cause, an (Easter) egg could not be missing. Egg yolk here makes an excellent substitute for a sauce, I have already described in this recipe for example. So, the egg was separated and the white was fried in butter like a fried egg, the yolk came raw into the “Easter nest”. Together a full meal, I can promise you.

a jar with roasted almond butter with green background
blue cheese on a concrete plate with green background
a can with smoked almonds with green background
sauteed spinach with apricots and smoked almonds in a pan


Easter Bread Sandwich

2 Persons20 Minutes

Butter Brioche
  • 4 Slices Brioche
  • 75 g Butter

For the butter brioche (recipe), heat up the butter in a pan until it gets foamy. Meanwhile, cut the brioche into 1.5cm thick slices and cut a 4cm hole in two slices. Bake the brioche in the foaming butter until golden on both sides, then drain on paper towels. Use the pan with the brown butter for the sautéed spinach afterwards.

Sautéed Spinach
  • 100 g Baby Spinach
  • 6 dried Apricots
  • 2 tbsp Smoked Almonds
  • Salt, Pepper & Nutmeg to flavor

For the sautéed spinach, cut the apricots into slices and coarsely chop the smoked almonds. Then add the spinach to the pan with the remaining butter and season with the spices. When the spinach is a little sunken, add the apricots and the smoked almonds.

  • 30 g roasted Almond Butter
  • 60 g Blue Cheese
  • 2 Eggs
  • Salt to flavor

Before serving, separate the eggs, carefully keeping the yolks and fry the whites in a pan with a little butter. Then cut out the egg whites in the shape of the brioche. To serve, spread a little almond butter on a slice of brioche and place the fried egg white on top. Then spread the sautéed spinach on top and top it up with the sliced blue cheese. Now, use a small torch to gratinate the blue cheese a bit. Put the slice of brioche with the hole on top of the cheese and place the egg yolk in the hole. Finally, season with a little salt.

easter bread sandwich on a gray plate with green background
easter bread sandwich on a gray plate
easter bread sandwich on a gray plate with green background

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Eatery Berlin

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